Building Meaningful Connections Together
The largest foreign community in southern China, with over 20,000 followers across our social media platforms. Representing more than 100 nationalities, GF truly is a global network (based in Guangzhou, China). Locals and expatriate members recognize GF as an integral part of their community, for the support provided in either personal or business development.
Global Friendship
Our Core Values & Qualities
Creating meaningful events and workshops that inspire others to get involved and share their own skills and talents.
Connecting people and busine-sses together in a variety of events that allows for genuine openness to better get to know one another.
We are diverse in the people we serve and hire, and the events we organize and offer.
GF Member Voices
GF’s Epic Night
Coming Soon
GF Welcome Back Social Night
8-10:30pm, 2025.02.21
Goat Canton Towner
Member FREE
Non Member 59 RMB
GF Relax & Recover Workshop
3-5:30pm, 2025.03.01
Lax Yoga, GZ
Member 108 RMB
Non Member 148 RMB
GF 2025 IWD Secret Garden
2:30-5:30pm, 2025.03.08
K11, GZ
Member 298 RMB
Non Member 348 RMB